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Sunday, May 21, 11:43pm
Club Count: 106

Hey everyone!!! Long time no see!!! It's been a few months!!! Well, I just wanted to update you on a couple of things. Well, one mainly...Megan. She is still a very big part of Radio Is Goin Down, she always has been and always will!!!! I have been getting e-mails asking about an opening for the co-founder position, well that is filled! Megan has not left us! She has some things goin' on and we should all let her deal with what needs to be dealt with. Well, the club chat that I wanted to have a long while ago didn't pan out, so I am going to announce a date next weekend that I want us all to get together! We've been around for almost a year, and I am sure we have a lot to talk about!! Well, gotta go, now!!

Sunday, January 21, 9:58pm
Club Count: 106

Well, we have lost a few members and gained some, too! But, we came out on top, so that's okay. Well, I have wanted to have a chat for a long while now. And it looks like there might be one in the close future! Megan mentioned it in an e-mail. I am BUSY up until the 1st of February, so maybe around there it might happen. I don't know Megan's scheduel, so don't quote me!! Another thing that was mentioned a week or so ago was a RIGD Radio Attack Day. Look for that in February. I really want some stations to get attacked by us!! Well, that's it for now, I'll see ya laytor!

Sunday, December 31, 3:27am
Club Count: 105
Look at that! In a matter of 20 minutes, a new member was born!!!

Sunday, December 31, 3:07am
Club Count: 104

Hey! We have gained a member!! That's pretty cool! We have a VERY nice pic (if I do say so myself) up at the club!! Well, that was short, but good things come in small packages!!!


Thursday, December 28, 6:52pm
Club Count: 103

Well, we lost a member last week and gained 2 on the same day! The new members will be added to the members page as soon as I am done with this message! Megan had a very cool pic posted at the club the other day. It was one that she took when they were on tour!
That's about it, see ya guys laytor!!

Tuesday December 19, 5:24pm
Club Count: 102

Well, it looks like we have lost a member *sniff, sniff*. We'll miss you! In other newz (lol, I sound like someone from the News!) there will be a chat sometime in the furture. I really want to get a chance to talk to you guys!! The last time we had a chat there was less than 40 members!! Well, gotta go!!

Monday December 18, 8:39am.
Club Count: 103

Hey, everyone! Well, here's the first post of (I hope) many! I just thought I'd give you a tiny bit of info on what has happened with Radio Is Goin Down since it was founded on July 2, 2000. First of all, Megan founded the club, and about 2 weeks laytor, I (Julie) came on board! Over about 4 1/2 months we reached 100 members. We were totally flipping out! When we got 50 members, Megan and I were spazzing! We never thought that we could do it, but the LOYAL Hanson fans proved us wrong, and are we glad they did!!! We hope to be around a LOOOONG time to help Hanson with their fight against radio!
See ya!!

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